Submit Your Application for School Leaving Certificate Samples

by Eduyush Team

Application for School Leaving Certificate  

My days in School were some of the best of my life. I remember the classrooms, the playgrounds, the teachers, and the lessons!

But, like all good things, my days in School eventually ended. And that was when I knew I needed to apply for my School Leaving Certificate (SLC).

If you're like me and your school days have ended, you'll need to apply for School Leaving Certificate

In this article, we'll go through the steps you need to take to ensure you can apply and submit your School Leaving certificate application easily.

On this page

Introduction to the Application for School Leaving Certificate

So, what is the School Leaving Certificate? The School Leaving Certificate (SLC) is issued to students who have completed their secondary education at a recognized school.

It is also known as a Transfer Certificate (TC) or a Leaving Certificate (LC).

The school issues the School Leaving Certificate that a student has attended and serves as official proof that the student has completed their education at the School and is ready to move on to the next level of their education or enter the workforce. 

In India, the School Leaving Certificate is required by law as a prerequisite for enrolling in higher education or for obtaining certain types of employment.

Why is the School leaving certificate needed?

Why is the SLC needed

The School Leaving Certificate is required for the following reasons.

  • The School Leaving Certificate is issued to students who have completed their secondary education at a recognized school in India.
  • The School Leaving Certificate is also known as a Transfer Certificate (TC) or a Leaving Certificate (LC).
  • The School issues the SLC that a student has attended and serves as official proof that the student has completed their education at the School and is ready to move on to the next level of their education or enter the workforce.
  • The School leaving certificate is required by law as a prerequisite for enrolling in higher education or for obtaining certain types of employment in India.
  • The SLC contains essential information about the student's educational background, including their name, date of birth, the School they attended, the standard (grade) they have completed, and their marks and grades in various subjects.

How to write a school leaving certificate application?

Here is a general outline of how to write an application for School Leaving Certificate:

  1. Start by addressing the letter to the appropriate person, such as to the principal or headmaster.
  2. In the opening paragraph, state the purpose of your letter and mention that you are requesting a School Leaving Certificate.
  3. In the body of the letter, provide the necessary details about yourself and your educational background, including your name, your enrollment number, the standard (grade) you have completed, and the name of your school.
  4. Explain the reason for your requests, such as moving to another city or country or enrolling in a different school or college.
  5. Request that the School Leaving Certificate be issued as soon as possible and provide any necessary documents, such as a copy of your identity proof or a transfer letter from your new school.
  6. Thank the recipient for their time and consideration and close the letter with a formal salutation, such as "Sincerely" or "Yours faithfully."

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Documents Required for Submission for School Leaving Certificate application

When submitting your application for an SLC, you must provide certain documents. These include:

  • A copy of your birth certificate or passport.
  • A copy of your School or educational institute's certificate of registration.
  • A copy of your school reports or transcripts.
  • A copy of your examination results or certificates.
  • Any other documents required by your School or educational institute.

It's essential to ensure you have all the necessary documents before submitting your application. 

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Application for school leaving certificate format 

Application for school leaving certificate samples

Sample 1: application for a school leaving certificate format for Moving to another city


The Principal

I am writing to request a School Leaving Certificate from [Name of School]. My enrollment number is [Enrollment Number], and I have completed [Standard (Grade)] at your school.

I am writing to request the School Leaving Certificate because I am moving to [City/Country] and enrolling in a new school there.

I would be grateful if the School Leaving Certificate were issued as soon as possible so I can enrol in my new school without any delays.

I have attached a copy of my identity proof and a transfer letter from my new school for your reference.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

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Sample 2: application for a school leaving certificate due to financial problem 


The Principal

I am writing to request a School Leaving Certificate (SLC) from [Name of School]. My enrollment number is [Enrollment Number], and I have completed [Standard (Grade)] at your school.

I am writing to request the SLC because my family is facing financial difficulties, and we cannot afford the fees for my education at [Name of School].

As a result, I will need to transfer to a more affordable school for my family. 

I would be grateful if the SLC could be issued as soon as possible so I can enrol in my new school without any delays.

I have attached a copy of my identity proof and a transfer letter from my new school for your reference.

I am grateful for the education and opportunities that [Name of School] has provided me, and I will always look back on my time here with fond memories.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name] 

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Sample 3: application for a school leaving certificate for changing school


The Principal

I am writing to request a School Leaving Certificate (SLC) from [Name of School]. My enrollment number is [Enrollment Number], and I have completed [Standard (Grade)] at your school.

I am writing to request the SLC because I plan to be admitted to [Name of School/College/University] and will need to submit the SLC as part of the admission process.

I would be grateful if the SLC could be issued as soon as possible so that I can complete the admission process without any delays.

I have attached a copy of my identity proof and a letter of acceptance from [Name of School/College/University] for your reference.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

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Sample 4: application for a school leaving certificate by parents


The Principal

We are writing to request a School Leaving Certificate (SLC) for our son/daughter, [Student's Name], who has completed [Standard (Grade)]

We are writing to request the SLC because [such as moving to another city or enrolling in a different school].

We would be grateful if the SLC issued as soon as possible so that [Student's Name] can enrol in their new school without delays.

We have attached a copy of [Student's Name]'s identity proof and a transfer letter from their new school for your reference.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Names]

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Sample 5: application a school leaving certificate for name correction


The Principal

I am writing to request a correction to the name on my School Leaving Certificate (SLC). My enrollment number is [Enrollment Number], and I have completed [Standard (Grade)].

I have recently changed my name due to [Reason for Name Change, such as marriage or legal adoption], and I would like to request that my new name be reflected on my SLC. My new name is [New Name].

I have attached a copy of my identity proof and relevant documents, such as a marriage certificate or legal adoption papers, for your reference.

I would appreciate the correction being made as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 6: school leaving certificate application for class 8

Dear [Principal's Name],

I am writing to request a School Leaving Certificate (SLC) from [Name of School]. My enrollment number is [Enrollment Number], and I have completed Class 8 (Grade 8) at your school.

I am writing to request the SLC because I am moving to [City/Country] and enrolling in a new school there. 

I have attached a copy of my identity proof and a transfer letter from my new school for your reference.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name] 

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Application for School Leaving Certificate

School leaving certificate FAQ

If you have any questions about the application for an School leaving certificate, here are some of the most frequently asked questions: 

Q: What documents do I need to submit with my School leaving certificate application?

 A: Generally, you will need to provide a copy of your birth certificate or passport, a copy of your School or educational institute's certificate of registration, a copy of your school reports or transcripts, a copy of your examination results or certificates, and any other documents required by your School or educational institute.

Q: How long does it take to process my School leaving certificate application? 

A: It takes around four weeks for your School leaving certificate application to be processed. However, this can vary depending on your School or educational institute.


Applying for an School leaving certificate can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily submit your application.

Just remember to ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements, gather all the necessary documents, and submit your application on time.

With these tips, you can ensure that application for School leaving certificate is successful.

If you need any help with different formats or samples, please feel free to contact us at 

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