12 Formats for Crafting a Leave Application for Marriage!

Dec 1, 2022by Eduyush Team

Leave application for marriage

Leave Application for Marriage is a crucial step for employees planning to marry, marking a significant milestone in one's life. As you prepare for this joyous occasion, it's essential to communicate your plans with your employer through a well-crafted leave application. 

Look no further! This step-by-step guide will provide an overview of how to craft a wedding leave application for office. We will also share with you sample leave application letter for your marriage, your sister marriage, brother marriage and others.

Follow these simple steps and you will be able to submit a well-crafted leave application for marriage that is sure to be accepted by your employer.

On this page

Reasons for taking marriage leave

There are several reasons why someone may take a leave of absence to attend their own or a family member's marriage:

  1. The Great Escape: Claim you need a week off for your wedding. Then, take another week because the first one was just a practice run.

  2. Honeymoon Hopping: Insist on taking marriage leave for a honeymoon in every continent. After all, love knows no bounds, and neither should your vacation days.

  3. Marrying a Myth: Convince your boss you're marrying a mermaid and need time off to find Atlantis. Waterproof tuxedo? Check.

  4. Wedding Wardrobe Malfunction: Need an extra day because your wedding attire is stuck in a time loop. Yesterday's fashion, today!

  5. Vows Version Control: Taking leave to write your vows, but treat it like a software update. It needs beta testing, debugging, and a patch release.

  6. Guest Star Galore: Claim you’re scouting locations for your wedding, which will feature cameo appearances by celebrities. You're just waiting on Rihanna's RSVP.

  7. Cake Conundrum: Extended leave is necessary because choosing the right wedding cake flavor is a journey, not a decision. It's about personal growth, after all.

So if you're ready to get started on your leave application, let's dive in and get to work!

How to write a leave application for marriage

Watch our video below to see the do's and don'ts of marriage leave letter.

A leave application for marriage should include the following information:

  1. Start with a Subject Line: Clearly state your intention. Example: "Marriage Leave Application."
  2. Salutation: Begin with a polite greeting. Example: "Dear [Manager's Name],"
  3. State the Purpose: Briefly mention that you're requesting leave for your marriage. Example: "I am writing to request leave for my wedding."
  4. Specify Dates: Mention the leave start date and the expected return date. Example: "I would like to request leave from [start date] to [end date], planning to return on [return date]."
  5. Offer Support for Handover: Mention your willingness to ensure a smooth transition. Example: "I will ensure all my tasks are up to date before leaving and am willing to assist in the handover process."
  6. Closing and Thanks: Thank your employer for considering your request. Example: "Thank you for considering my request for leave."
  7. End with a Closing Salutation: Example: "Sincerely, [Your Name]"

Keep it concise and to the point, ensuring that all relevant information is communicated

Samples of leave application for marriage 

Here are some samples of marriage leave of mail to manager which you can send to get your leaves approved.

Download the samples of marriage leave mail to manager in a pdf here.

Sample1: Marriage leave application for office 

You can use either of the below two examples 

Example 1: Marriage leave format use any of the below samples

Sample A

Subject: Marriage Leave Application - [Your Name]

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request marriage leave in accordance with [Company Name]'s leave policy. I am excited to share that I will be getting married on [Wedding Date], and I would like to request [Number of Days] days of leave to celebrate this special occasion.

I have reviewed the marriage leave policy and am attaching all the required documents as per the guidelines. I understand the importance of managing my responsibilities during my absence and assure you that I will ensure a smooth handover of any pending tasks.

I believe that the team's collaboration and support will ensure the continuity of work during my absence. If there are any specific tasks that require my attention or assistance before I go on leave, please let me know, and I will be more than happy to assist.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this joyful time. I look forward to a positive response.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]


  • Marriage-related documents as required.

Sample B : Wedding application in English

Dear [Employer],

Subject: My marriage leave request

Subject: Marriage Leave Application

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work due to my upcoming marriage ceremony. The wedding is scheduled for [Date] and will require my full attention and presence.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities at work and the impact of my absence on the team. Rest assured, I have taken the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will coordinate with my colleagues to delegate my tasks and responsibilities and provide them with any necessary information or instructions to ensure that projects and daily operations continue without disruption.

I plan to take leave from [Start Date] to [End Date], which includes [Number of Days] working days. I will be available for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence and can be reached via email or phone.

I kindly request your approval for this leave to allow me to celebrate this important milestone in my life with my family and loved ones. I will make every effort to minimize the impact of my absence on the team and ensure a smooth workflow during this period.

If there are any specific procedures or tasks you would like me to address before my leave, please let me know, and I will take care of them promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this special time in my life. I am committed to returning to work after my leave with renewed energy and dedication.


Thank you for considering my request.


5 Samples to help you Ace your One Day Leave Application

Example 2: Marriage leave application format

Dear [Employer],

I am writing to request a leave of absence to get married. The wedding is scheduled to take place on [date], and I will be absent from work from [start date] to [end date] to attend the celebration and spend time with my family.

I understand that this is a personal matter, but I wanted to inform you of my absence and ensure that my work responsibilities are taken care of. I have made arrangements with my team to ensure that all outstanding tasks are completed before I leave, and I will be available to answer any questions or provide updates as needed during my leave.

I appreciate your understanding and support, and I look forward to returning to work refreshed and ready to continue my duties. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thank you for considering my request.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2 - Leave application for attending a family wedding

To the Manager, 

Subject: Leave application to attend a family wedding 


I am writing to request a leave of absence to attend a family wedding. The event is taking place on [date] and I would like to request [number of days] off starting on [start date] and returning to work on [end date].

I will do my best to ensure that all of my work is completed and properly handed off before I leave, and I will be available to answer any questions or provide assistance remotely while I am away.

I understand the importance of my role within the company and I appreciate your understanding and support as I take this time to celebrate with my family. I look forward to returning to work recharged and ready to continue making a positive contribution to the team.

Thank you for considering my request.


Sample 3 - Marriage leave application to school


The Principal

(School name) 

Subject: Leave Application for Attending a Family Wedding

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a temporary leave of absence from school due to a significant family event. My [sibling/relative] is getting married, and I would like to attend the wedding ceremony, which is scheduled for [date of the wedding].

I understand the importance of regular attendance at school and assure you that I will make every effort to minimize the disruption caused by my absence. I will ensure that I complete any pending assignments and catch up on missed lessons during my absence.

I kindly request your permission to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date]. This will allow me enough time to participate in the pre-wedding preparations and the wedding itself. I will return to school promptly on [date of return].

I am committed to maintaining my academic performance and will work diligently to cover any missed coursework. I understand the importance of keeping up with my studies and will seek assistance from teachers or classmates if needed.

I have attached an invitation to the wedding for your reference. I assure you that I will comply with all school policies regarding leave and will make this absence as smooth as possible for both my teachers and fellow students.

I kindly request your understanding and approval of this leave application. I promise to make every effort to minimize the impact of my absence on my studies.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

[Attach Wedding Invitation]

Sample 4: Leave application for brother marriage 

To the Manager, 

Subject: Leave application for Brother marriage

I am writing to request a leave of absence to attend my brother's marriage. The event will be held on [date] and I would like to request [number of days] off starting on [start date] and returning to work on [end date].

I understand that my absence may affect the workload of the team, but I will do my best to ensure that all of my responsibilities are taken care of before I leave. I am also happy to answer any questions or provide assistance remotely while I am away.

I appreciate your understanding and support as I celebrate this special occasion with my family. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a great team and I look forward to returning to work with renewed energy and focus.

Thank you for considering my request.


Sample 5: Leave application for cousin marriage

The Manager,

Subject: Leave application for attending cousin marriage. 

Dear [Employer],

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave to attend my cousin's marriage, which is scheduled to take place on [Wedding Date]. I would like to request [Number of Days] days of leave to be able to participate in the celebrations and support my family during this joyous occasion.

I have reviewed the leave policy and understand the process for submitting a leave application. I assure you that I have planned my work to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will coordinate with my colleagues to ensure that any pending tasks are managed efficiently.

I believe that my brief absence will not significantly impact the team's operations, and I am committed to ensuring that my responsibilities are well-covered during my leave.

I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave. If there are any urgent matters that require my attention before I go on leave, please let me know, and I will be more than willing to assist remotely.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to a positive response.

Best regards,

Sample 6: leave application for friend marriage 

The Manager,

Dear [Employer],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for the period of [start date] to [end date] in order to attend the marriage of a close friend. The wedding will take place on [wedding date] and I would like to be able to celebrate and support my friend on this important occasion.

I understand that this is a busy time for the [company/organization], and I will do my best to ensure that my work is completed and my responsibilities are covered while I am away. I am willing to work with my colleagues to make arrangements for the handover of my duties, and I will make myself available via email or phone in case of any emergencies.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to returning to work after my leave and continuing to contribute to the success of the [company/organization].


Sample 7: leave application for own marriage and honeymoon

Dear [Employer],
I request you to please give me leave of absence for my marriage and honeymoon. The wedding is scheduled for [date], and I would like to request [number of days] off starting on [start date] to attend the wedding and return to work on [end date]. I will then be taking a honeymoon from [end date] to [return date] and will need an additional [number of days] off.

I am committed to my work and will do my best to ensure that all of my responsibilities are taken care of before I leave.

I am thankful for the support and understanding of my colleagues and the company as I embark on this new chapter of my life. Kindly grant me the leave.

Upon my return, I will be energized and ready to contribute positively to the team

Sample 8: leave application for marriage ceremony

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony - [Your Name]

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave to attend my own marriage ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on [Wedding Date]. I would like to request [Number of Days] days of leave to fully participate in the celebrations and make necessary arrangements.

I have reviewed the leave policy and guidelines and am attaching all the required documents as per the process. I understand the importance of maintaining work continuity during my absence and assure you that I have planned my work to ensure a smooth handover.

I will coordinate with my team to manage any pending tasks and responsibilities before I go on leave. I am committed to ensuring that my absence does not disrupt the team's operations.

I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave. I believe that taking this time off will help me to fully engage in this significant life event and return to work with renewed focus and dedication.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to a positive response.

Best regards,


  • Marriage-related documents as required.

Sample 9: leave application for sister marriage

Subject: Leave of Absence Request for Sister's Wedding

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing this official leave application to request a [number of days, e.g., "five-day"] leave of absence from work due to a significant family function – my sister's wedding. The marriage ceremony is scheduled for [wedding date, e.g., "15th September 2023"], and as a close family member, my presence and participation are essential.

Considering the preparations and the rituals associated with the wedding ceremony, I would like to request time off from [starting date, e.g., "10th September 2023"] to [ending date, e.g., "15th September 2023"]. During this period, I assure you that I have made arrangements to manage my workload, ensuring minimal disruption. [Colleague's name, if any], from my team, has kindly agreed to oversee my responsibilities during my short absence.

I understand that taking a break during [mention a particular period or project, if any, e.g., "the ongoing project phase"] is not ideal, but I will ensure a smooth transition and promise to catch up immediately upon my return.

I sincerely hope you will consider my vacation request for this personal leave, understanding the significance of a sister's wedding in one's life. Your approval for this leave will allow me to be with my family during this joyous occasion and fulfill my duties as a brother.

Kindly let me know if you need any additional information or if there are tasks I need to complete before my temporary departure.

Thank you for considering my request. I am eager to hear a positive response and assure you of my utmost dedication upon my return.

Warm Regards,

From Work to Wedding Bells: How to Write a Leave Application for Your Sister's Marriage 

Sample 10: leave application to School to attend friends marriage

Subject: Leave Application for Attending Friend's Marriage
Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am requesting a leave of absence from school from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to my friend's wedding ceremony, an important family event. I understand the significance of attending school regularly, but this family commitment requires my presence. 

During my absence, I will make every effort to stay updated with the schoolwork and complete any assignments or homework that may be assigned during this period. I will also seek assistance from my classmates to ensure that I stay caught up in my studies.

I kindly request your permission to grant me this leave, and I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation if needed to support my request. I understand the importance of adhering to the school's policies and am committed to maintaining my academic progress.

I am attaching a copy of the wedding invitation for your reference.
Thank you for considering my request. I hope for your understanding and a favourable response to this leave application. Please let me know if there are any guidelines or procedures I need to follow, and I will comply accordingly.

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
Please make sure to replace [Principal's Name], [Start Date], [End Date], and any other placeholders with specific details relevant to your situation.

Sample 11: leave application for marriage extension

Subject: Request for Marriage Leave Extension

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request an extension of my marriage leave by one week. My initial leave was granted from [original start date] to [original end date], and I am requesting an extension until [new end date].

The reason for this request is due to some unforeseen circumstances related to my wedding preparations and subsequent ceremonies. These unexpected developments require my presence and attention beyond the initially planned period.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities and assure you that I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that my tasks and projects are well-managed during my absence. [Name of colleague] has kindly agreed to oversee my duties and handle any urgent matters that may arise.

I am confident that this extension will not adversely affect the team's workflow. I will remain accessible via email and phone for any critical issues that need my immediate attention.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of my request. Please let me know if there are any further details you require or if there are specific procedures I need to follow for the approval of this extension.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Sample 12 : Out of office message for marriage

Subject: Out of Office: Marriage Leave
Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office on leave for my marriage and will be away until [return date]. During this joyful occasion, I will have limited access to my email and may be unable to respond promptly.
For urgent matters or immediate assistance, please contact [colleague's name] at [colleague's email address] or [colleague's phone number]. They are fully informed of my ongoing projects and will ensure the continuity of work in my absence.
I appreciate your understanding and look forward to reconnecting with you upon my return.
Best regards,

FAQ's on leave application for marriage

How do I request a leave of absence for my marriage?

To request a leave of absence for your marriage, you should write a formal letter or email to your employer outlining the reason for the leave and the dates you will be away. Be sure to include any relevant details, such as the wedding date and location, and make arrangements to hand over your duties during your absence. It is also good to check with your employer about any specific policies or requirements for requesting leave for personal events.

Can I request a leave of absence for a family member's wedding?

Yes, it is generally acceptable to request a leave of absence to attend the wedding of a close family member, such as a spouse, partner, parent, child, sibling, or grandparent. Some employers may also allow leave for the wedding of a more distant relative, depending on the company's policies and the employee's job responsibilities. Be sure to outline the reason for the leave and the dates you will be away in your request and make arrangements for the handover of your duties during your absence.

Will I be paid during my leave of absence for a family member's wedding?

Whether or not you will be paid during a leave of absence for a family member's wedding depends on your employment status and employer's policies. If you are a salaried employee, you may be entitled to paid time off for a family event such as a wedding. If you are an hourly employee, you may be able to use vacation or personal days to receive pay during your leave. Some employers may also allow unpaid leave for a family event. Be sure to check with your employer about their policies and any applicable laws.

How long can I take off for a family member's wedding?

The length of time you can take off for a family member's wedding depends on your employer's policies and the needs of the business. Some employers may allow a few day's leave for a wedding, while others may allow a more extended period. It is essential to discuss your request with your employer and reach an agreement that works for both parties. Be sure to consider the impact of your absence on the company and make arrangements to hand over your duties during your leave.

Summing up

Taking time off for a wedding can be stressful - but it doesn't have to be! By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that everything runs smoothly when crafting a professional leave application for marriage.

Ensure all necessary documents  and submit proof like a wedding invitation and keep realistic expectations regarding waiting times for approval or denial of the request.

With careful planning and communication with employers ahead of time, taking time off for weddings can be an enjoyable experience - so remember to enjoy every moment!

This blog article has helped you to understand how to write a leave application for marriage. For more leave application formats, read our blogs and download the samples.

Links to download samples

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Leave application Questions? Answers.

To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.